Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Saturday at the Playground

We made a trip to the park on Saturday afternoon since Ryan and I don't get to go with Chris nearly enough, and Ryan has recently discovered his love for climbing boxes (too many photos of that to shove into this blog post so that is for another day) so we figured he might want to try out the fancy-pants playground on campus. We normally just go there for the swings and also to play the game of how many wood chips can Ryan shove into his mouth before Mama notices. I prefer the swings. 

When we first got there Ryan did! not! want to be anywhere but his daddy's arms. Even though they are muscular T-Rex arms, they sure are cuddly (and there go the groans of Chris' brothers and our guy friends). Plus, Ryan has been teething pretty much non-stop for the past few weeks which makes every day a cuddling day. Oh wait, isn't every day with a baby a cuddling day? I think it is. So the teething argument is null in that aspect, but it does make for a clingy baby.

So how do you get a baby to follow you up the stairs? Tease him with a crinkly leaf that is bigger than the size of his head, that's how. 

Made it to the top to meet the albatross of leaves
Of course, we had to spend a lot of time of the swings, Ryan's favorite. 
These two.
Thanks for taking me to the playground, boys. 
Please send in your advent wreaths! For Advent, I will be featuring Advent wreaths from my readers on the blog. If you would like to submit yours, please send a photo (or photos!) and a little bit about your family's Advent traditions to cedarsandtinyflowers {at} gmail.com. I hope to post one every day through Advent in addition to my regular posts. Can't wait to read about your wreaths!

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