Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snow, snow, snow

The South Bend snow has been good to us this year. Normally, our California-living siblings always say, "You are so lucky you have snow!!!!" And then we take a look out the window and see snowflakes falling softly on gray slush. Lucky, no? Don't get me wrong...the first snow is beautiful. Then, the temperature would rise just enough to melt a few of the inches of snow, the cars would sling the muddy mess around and around, the temperature would creep back down and then South Bend would freeze over. The snow matched the perma-cloud up above.

This year, however, the snow melts completely before the heavens shake the snow globe once again. And it is delightful. Just look at Ryan's face.


  1. He is so super sweet! What a cutie!

    And I love the big pom-pom and the tutorial you posted.

  2. Love the first pic Katrina! It looks like professional photography! :)
