Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

This boy

Chris, 2 years, 3 months

became the father to this boy

Ryan, 17 months

and I couldn't be happier to see his eyes (okay, obviously the shape of his eyes), his nose and his lips on our little boy.

(I'm super stubborn about the fact that Ryan actually has a lot of Chris' features, and I think I finally made my case with this stretch of a photo reenactment (Ear protectors in an airplane? Makes sense. Ear protectors on campus because Mama wants to distract you enough to take photos? to show that you have Dad's facial features? Hey, there were lawnmowers present ... )

Happy Father's Day, Chris!

And the happiest of Father's Days from us to my sweet dad and to my father-in-law who are so generous to us every day. Thank you, Dad, for all of the sacrifices you made and all of the lessons you have taught me! We love you! 

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