Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Around these internets

Two week old photo from when I was losing it, and Chris came home with flowers and French fries. 

Happy Wednesday! Need some reading material? 

My sister-in-law's blog has undergone a name change and makeover! It looks great, G. Love, me. 

Bridget is being really cool and opening the floor (comment box?) for questions

Nell, penned a letter on her blog that was like a hug with a glass of wine at a long overdue mom's night out. If you haven't read you are not defined by your child, click to it. 

Blythe's tribute to her dear family friend was simply beautiful, and I hope I can be like him. 

Chris sent me this with the subject line, "Did you read this? You'll cry a lot." It has been on my Facebook news feed no less than ten times in the past day, but I actually hadn't read it! I did actually cry though. A lot.

He also sent this article that predicted the top names of 2014, and the girl name that I want for our youngest daughter (because we can choose these things, you know ;) ) is #5! Everyone please lose your love affair with Claire. Except for Chris because he gets a say in naming our children, too. 

Have you entered Ana's White Plum giveaway?  Best selection of leggings out there (over 200), and you could win!

And Grace's Bohemian Traders giveaway? A $250 credit is up for grabs! 

I've said it before, but I'm loving Kate's Before I had a Seven Year Old series. I think it is my favorite series ever in the history of blogs because all of those wonderful moms that are contributing to it just seem to know what is making my heart heavy or what is making me pull my hair out. I click on those posts with an eagerness that can be compared to Ryan around chips and salsa. 

Christy wrote a good ole real post about cooking, and I really want that Mad Hungry: Feeding Men and Boys cookbook that she recommended. Hopefully it is suited for feeding men and boys and nursing mamas because honestly, I eat way more than Chris does.

Speaking of books, when we were checking our books out at the library yesterday, I remembered that somewhere there was a list that recommended children's books with big families. I found it! It was Kendra! I'm making a note to check them out the next time we are the library (and let's hope that it is sooner rather than later so I can kick my fine habit). 

Anna's post on being a stay at home working mom rang loud and clear for me. I'm not very good at it yet, and it has been a struggle. I haven't found the words or really the brain power to form enough coherent thoughts to write about how poorly I'm adjusting, but the poem she quoted in her post is my new mantra:

“Normal Day, let me be aware
of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you,
bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest
of some rare and perfect tomorrow.”
-M.J. Iron

Yes. I love it.

Carrots for Michaelmas turned five the other day! Have you taken her survey to help her know what you like and don't like to read? 

I just discovered Wifeytini, and she is really, really, really funny. I just pried myself away from reading her whole blog, but her post today was touching and inspiring. I also found this post that she wrote for Huffington Post spot on.

This post came at the right time after yet another morning of a too early wake up by one of the boys. They take turns. It was nice to remember that I do love that they've been sharing a room for five months now. 

And lastly, we watch this Vine no less than five times a day. Irish and fist pumps all day, everyday over here. 


  1. You are so super sweet to share the linksie :)

  2. Thank you so much for the link! I'm bookmarking your blog! Your kiddos are ADORBS OMG OMG

    1. I loved your pieces and your whole blog! I'll have to email you sometime.

  3. I've heard only good things about that Mad Hungry: Feeding Men and Boys cookbook. My sis-in-law swears by it and she's only cooking for her husband. It'd be perfect for a mom of boys!

  4. Re: the names (and disclaimer–Claire is not on our list if we have a girl!) I had originally written of Sophia's name because I knew it was super popular... and then I thought, who cares? It's not like I'm going to give my kid a weird name and hope that that's enough to make her (or him, future kids) unique. I mean, it's not like Joe has had a hard life because so many other people share his name. ;) We chose what we love, regardless of trends. So name your kids whatever you want!

  5. Great things to check in my (non)spare time!!

  6. My sister has the first line of that poem on a plaque in her family room! Also, I may have missed a post if you told what you do at home for part-time work, but I am guessing it must have to do with writing--you have talent in that department.
