Sunday, March 17, 2013

What I Wore Sunday, Volume 7

Did everyone get to read Michela's great reflection on Fine Linen and Purple this morning? We go back way to the second grade, and I loved reading her Lenten reflection. The Gospel is definitely one of my favorites. Two more weeks! 

This weekend's outfit was a quick cheat sheet outfit since I got home really close to the time we were supposed to leave for Mass so Chris would be on time. Apparently all of Michiana decides to shop and run errands on Saturday afternoons which equals way too much in a normal-sized city. Hmph. So I threw on a dress rather than try to figure out what clean top went with whatever skirts that were ironed. I accidentally grabbed some tights that were from pre-Ryan days and every time I sat down, I could feel that demoralizing slow roll of too tight tights feeling like sausage casing. I should probably try on all of my tights to see which ones fit, but that really sounds like the least fun activity in the world, doesn't it? 

Ryan's behavior can be described with one word: LOUDEST CHILD IN THE WORLD. Oops, that was five. Chris had to take him out during the first reading and for the rest of the Mass, I could hear Ryan exuberantly chanting, "DA-DA! DA-DA! DA-DA!" like he hadn't seen Chris in a week. The babe loves his dad. 
1. How creepy I look when I ask for Ryan to get in the photo with me.  2. No dice. Solo photo!
Dress: Old Navy $6 find by my sister! Tights: gone Shoes: Lauren Ralph Lauren via Marshalls Belt: the usual 

Shoes and cords: the usual, Oxford: The Children's Place Outlet, Sweater vest: Once Upon a Child, Cookie in mouth and hand: Miss Becca

Today we are decked out in our green. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Grab your clover, come on over! 
Would it be a WIWS post with a photo of Ryan eating a donut? 

Head on over to Fine Linen and Purple for more Mass fashion!


  1. You look great in that shade of blue! And, my gosh, Ryan's smile in that one picture! So cute!

    God bless!

  2. Oh man I feel you on the tights - drives me nuts and it's never worth it to change but always so uncomfortable!

    Super-cute and totaly not noticeable, though! That's the great thing about a belt - hides the tights line!

  3. You described that horrid too-tight-tights feeling with such eloquence.

    The cut of that dress is fantastic. And don't be self-concious of your Mom Face. All moms have them.

  4. I love your dress and the blue is fab on you! Love the donut pics. So darn cute!

  5. You look so stunning in that shade. And the little sweater vest on your son? Too too cute!

    Yes, I hate the tights-waistband-roll of motherhood. But you look so slim and lean, I can confidently say no one noticed but you!

  6. whatever. you are looking model-esque for shur.

    won't be jealous until Theo is three months old .... then I will.

    Ryan is the cutest -- I'll trade you for Bash.

  7. Your little guy looks like a pistol. He must be so much fun!

    Your dress is fantastic, and you look absolutely adorable in it. (And $6?! That's my kind of bargain!)

  8. I find it hard to believe that anything was rolling over those tights. You look AWESOME!!!!

    I love the dress and can't believe that it was only $6. (I am guessing that it's because the dress is a size 0 and that's why the marked it down...they were tired of waiting on you to come get it!) ;)

  9. Oh, I just love that shade of blue!

  10. Oh how I love this shade of love my look fab.U.lous!! As for your little one...he is just the most handsome guy ever!

  11. Hi Katrina,

    You may have already done these things, but I'm tagging/nominating you for "Five Things" and the Liebster Award. If you're interested in participating, the details are in my post today (3/18).

  12. Um, your house. Is this your house? I love it.

    Anyway, I also like the brown shoe/black tight combo. Lame as it is, I rarely mix my tight/shoe color... maybe b/c most of my tights are black, and most of my shoes are black? Hmmm...

  13. Love the dress! And now I want a donut since I saw your son's. ha!

  14. your dress is pretty and a great color. dresses are always so feminine.
    and your baby boys is a cutie!

  15. You look fantastic! Another great color on you--those clear, vibrant hues look great with your dark hair!

  16. I'm a little late in commenting here... but I just realized I'm following you on instagram and then I though, "wait she looks familiar." So I had to stalk a bit more... UMM HI! I'm friend's with Miss Elliott Marie (she was in my wedding). So sorry for stalker quality here but just thought I'd say hellllo and introduce myself! :) You look adorable and that bitty boy of yours is too.
