Sunday, October 13, 2013

38 Weeks

As Ryan has started to say, "Whoa, baby." Boom, the belly is in charge. 

I have definitely slowed down a lot these past two weeks. We went to a lovely, lovely wedding yesterday (hence the heels), and the little one was punching me in what I think is my kidney the entire day. But I am no gestational expert, so I don't even know if that is possible? Much to my tired body's dismay, I am occasionally a mild insomniac as of late, and I wish I were an extreme nester because then we would at least have some production to go with the lack of sleep? Instead, I just have bags under my eyes deep enough to act as my hospital bag ... which has yet to be packed ... and probably won't be for a while. 

What else? An Oreo McFlurry always sounds good. Always. 

Any guesses based on the updated photo? Boy or girl? 


  1. Definitely a boy!!!! You're almost there, pack that bag lady :)

  2. Such a beautiful Mama! I say boy for sure! Both my boys were all up front.

  3. You make pregnancy look good! And I think I packed my bag the day before I went into labor... It will get done. ;)

  4. I'm sticking with my original "boy" prediction. And you are adorable - all baby!!

  5. i know nothing about this kind of stuff and am nearly always wrong but i'm guessing boy!

  6. You are so pretty! Always a wee bit jealous of the ladies who appear only to gain weight in their bellies. I'm only 14 weeks pregnant and if my arse gets any bigger, we are going to need a new car! :)

  7. Gorgeous belly! :)
