Friday, October 18, 2013


When I used to walk to work in Chicago, I would often catch my reflection in the huge windows that lined the ground floor of almost every building. Who needs a full length mirror in their home when they live in the city? Anyway, since I was surrounded by well-dressed women, I wasn't completely confident with my changing shape and my lack of business casual and bump-approved variety in my wardrobe until one day I realized that having a body that was housing a baby was actually quite a feminine body to have.

So today when it seems like clean laundry is as extinct as the dinosaurs, the stack of clean-ish shirts that I'm not sick of and that don't teeter on the side of midriff-baring is nonexistent, and the only thing that gives me a bit of fashion spark to put some pep in my waddle is my husband's masculine button-up, I remember that this 38 week 6 day body is a feminine shape to have, men's shirt and all.


  1. Not related to your post but I am in South Bend for a wedding this weekend. Makes me feel stalkerish....

  2. I totally wore practically all of Jacob's clothes during the tail end of my pregnancy. Rock it.

  3. So I'm 39w4d pregnant with our #2 and we follow all the same blogs and I cloth diaper and I'm a totally non-productive preggo-insomniac, and I'm only now just discovering your blog. How can this be?

    Well your blog is lovely. And your son is lovelier. And I thought I should say hello! And good luck pushing a baby out in the nearish future!

  4. You look LOVELY! Prayers for you and your little one! ;-)

  5. My bump has yet to start showing (16 weeks) and I just hope I can look as cute as you when it does!

    1. Oh you will look much, much cuter! With Ryan, I didn't really start showing until around twenty weeks or so.

  6. You always look so cute! But it's true - it can be hard to feel pretty when pregnant, considering our society and it's obsession with being slim and trim. You're getting so close, both to holding a sweet newborn and wearing some different clothes!

  7. You look beautiful! I'm only 22 weeks now, but there are several of my husband's shirts that I am eyeing now for later on ;) (his wardrobe is actually way more expansive than mine, ha!)

  8. I actually saw the picture before I read the post and thought you couldn't look any cuter. Then I read the post and saw that it's your husband's shirt and giggled to myself because that is so me: not even noticing the style, just looking at the fashion. That said, the first sentence in this comment still stands. *smiles* Praying for you!!

  9. You do not need to worry about looking feminine. I think you always look beautiful! Hopefully these last few days of your pregnancy go well for you! :)
