Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Night Links

^^^ "Pick flowers for Mama! Flowers ... are you??" He knows how to make me forget a tantrum. Oh, it is sweet having a son.

Monday! I know Mondays are not normally greeted with such enthusiasm, but today included confession, only six or seven tantrums (and none from me which is saying a lot according to my trend as of late), and a glorious walk with my two bambinos. Plus, I received a genuine, "Congratulations on your family!" from a passing lady on our walk that just warmed my soul. Thank you, lady with the pretty scarf and very blond son.

This post really started out as a Friday Night Links thing, buuuuut here I am on Monday. The links all stand the test of internet time, in my opinion, and I now have even more to share so let's type on.

Did you see the list Ellie made on Buzzfeed? She wanted to create a piece that let stay at home moms share something about themselves that most people probably wouldn't know, and I was so honored that she asked me to participate even though I am the worst at coming up with anything clever. I hope she does it again!

I always want to share Kate's posts so really I should just say, "Read the whole darn blog! Every post!" and that would suffice. But if you would like a little more guidance, her real summary of Lucy June's baptism had me chuckling and nodding and then her post on simple gifts made me cry.

This case for siblings is another post that had me nodding and nodding and nodding my head.

Okay, Christy's post is almost three weeks old, but I still love it.  

This post on Oh Dear Drea on how to have a great life without spending a lot of money is how our family aims to live. I know this one is largely common sense, but a lot of times, as I know very well, common sense is hard to hold onto in our materialistic society of dollars and cents.

Last week, Chris popped his head into Ryan's room during the time when I am most susceptible to a tantrum --- nap time refusal (California was so glorious if only because Ryan fell asleep so easily after being outside all morning) --- and handed me a book with the thought that it could help me every day. Elizabeth Foss and Danielle Bean did an excellent job creating a book that seems like it was made for me, a mother with an already short attention span that is constantly shortened by a toddler and an infant. There are just three short items each day, a quote from a saint for inspiration, a prayer that is a few sentences long and a recommendation on how to bring the prayer to life through your actions. If you are looking for something of the sort, go ahead and buy it

My cousin, Marie, guest blogged her Amazing Ginger Cookie recipe at Mother Chef last week. I am pretty sure those will be on our baking docket come Sunday. Her little one was very good at sharing all of his Christmas gifts that Ryan swiped over and over again back in December. He's a kind heart.

On Saturday, I took the train to Chicago with Conor to try on a dress with Liz and Mel for Brad and Geena's wedding. Besides the fact that I am so in love with the dress we are wearing (wonderful job, G), it truly felt like a day with old friends even though this was the first day that I met both of them. I think a large part of that is because both are sweet and amazing ladies, but a teeny tiny part of that came from reading their blogs. I felt the same way with the few other lovely bloggers that I have had the chance to meet (and, of course, my South Bend ladies).  Bottom line - it's really fun to meet bloggers and to know their blog story.

During the train ride back, I was frantically searching for an easy costume to make for Saturday night plans - trivia night with Alexandra and JJ at a local school trivia night. I figured that Chris and I both had orange-ish sweaters that could go with a fox costume. I came across these DIY bear, raccoon, and fox mask templates that saved my soon-to-be foxy behind (ha). Mine were made with construction paper and string, but I want to make some with felt for the boys to play with.

Trivia night, by the way, was very, very fun, and our team came in fifth even though we were the youngest table by many years. Next time.

I cannot wait to try out this tutorial for a floral cross-stitch sweater. Now if only the sweater she used wasn't sold out! I'm adding a waffle knit sweater to my thrifting list.

Chris sent me this blog about a sweet four year old boy who tragically has a rapidly growing brain tumor. Will you join me in praying for a miracle?

Have you entered the Blog2Print giveaway? Go, go, go. You'll thank yourself later when you page through your own blog in print!

Okay, I better hit publish before this becomes Tuesday night links.


  1. So many great links! I bookmarked that post by Drea and have been reading it every few days. It's a way of life that I want but I'm no totally there yet. Thanks for the reading material!

    1. Any time! We aren't totally there yet either, but we keep chugging away.

  2. Thanks for the sweet link Katrina! So nice of you to think of me. Hope you're having a good week so far...oh it's only Tuesday??

  3. Thanks for linking to my project! Glad you liked it and hope you can find a waffle knit sweater of your own.
